Wednesday, January 9, 2008


On January 4, 5 and 6, 2008 the Nevada Republican Assembly held a Presidential Endorsing Convention in Reno, Nevada. On Saturday they held a Presidential rally where each of the campaigns presented their candidate and the issues they stand for. The organization also held a Straw Poll for those who attended the rally. Congressman Hunter came in 3rd place in the straw poll behind Ron Paul and John McCain.

On Sunday, the NVRA met to vote on the candidate that their organization would endorse for President in 2008. This organization has one of the largest concentrations of conservative Republicans in it’s membership. They uphold the principles of supporting our constitution, limited government, love of God, state sovereignty, controlled spending, sanctity of life, parental rights, protection of private property, 2nd amendment rights, security of our borders, fair trade, educational excellence, and fair and equal taxation rights.

The NVRA held a series of votes to reach their choice for endorsement of Congressman Duncan Hunter for President in 2008. Duncan Hunter had a clear lead throughout all 5 rounds of voting. In order for the assembly to reach a final decision for the endorsement, the candidate had to have a 2/3 majority vote. Duncan Hunter won that endorsement over Fred Thompson with more than the 2/3 required. Hunter’s clear, consistent conservative message has resonated with residents in Nevada.

Michael Kressler, President of the NVRA along with members of the organization are proud to endorse Duncan Hunter for President in 2008. Duncan Hunter has proven that he is a viable candidate and will represent the people who need a President that is honest and true and will facilitate change in the right direction for our nation.

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