Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Open Letter to the Wyoming GOP – Time for another California Cowboy, Duncan Hunter

Note that the Wyoming Primary has already occured (where Hunter came in 3rd and picked up a delegate!), but this is AJ Madison's letter to them. I posted the letters to Iowa and New Hampshire. Parts of these letters can apply to all states; the United States of America.

Dear Wyoming GOPers,

First, let me congratulate you for living in one of the most beautiful states in the Union. My home state of Washington gives Wyoming a run for the money, but unlike you, we have several million liberals that tend to pollute the scenery.

Iowa has spoken. And as usual, they have voted with their hearts, not their heads. They voted in Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney for the top two spots. Granted, both Mike and Mitt are currently unemployed and had much time to spend gladhanding the good folks in Iowa. However, what Iowegians did not do is bother to understand the records of the two gentlemen in question, and fell prey, once again, to a fellow who spins a good yarn, and one that ‘looks presidential’. After all, Iowa supported GHW Bush over an excellent conservative named Ronald Reagan.

While Mr. Huckabee is certainly a social conservative, he is what we in the west call a nanny-stater. He vows to support a nationwide ban on smoking in public places. Now please tell me what on God’s green earth makes him think the Federal Government has any authority to even contemplate such stupidity. While governor of Arkansas, the Huck instituted ARKids, a nice little socialized medicine program that would make Hillary blush. In addition to that, he promoted a policy to fight obesity, by banning so called ‘junk food’ from the schools and, worse, having the kids subjected to body fat tests. Top this nonsense off with his career long coddling of illegal aliens, going so far to call the conservatives in Arkansas who proposed to cut off benefits to illegals “racists and demagogues”, and his liberal record on taxes and what you end up with is a socially conservative democrat. I guess if you claim to be doing it for God or ‘for the children’, then you can bamboozle a fair number of voters.

(excerpt...see http://newswhichcannotlose.blogspot.com/2008/01/open-letter-to-wyoming-gop-time-for.html)

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