Saturday, November 24, 2007

Hunter Son Home for the Holidays, Deactivation to Follow

My Coachella Valley Thanksgiving week relaxation aside, I did note this news. For those who have conjectured and wondered whether Duncan D. Hunter would be deactivated soon enough to legally campaign for the CD 52 seat, and for those who hoped he wouldn't be, as well as for those conspiracists who have continued to say he has been nothing but a "place-holder" for his dad's potential run once again in the case of short-lived presidential foray....

Dear Friends,

I have some wonderful news that I wanted to share with you. My husband, Capt. Duncan D. Hunter, will be returning home from Afghanistan on Thanksgiving Day! As you know, Duncan launched his campaign for Congress in the 52nd district just days before being called up for his third tour of duty since joining the U.S. Marine Corps after 9/11. We are very thankful for his safe return, and very proud of his service to our country.

In a few weeks Duncan will be off active duty and able to campaign full time for Congress.

The missive from Margaret Hunter goes on to point supporters to a new website and call for financial support over the holiday weekend.


Need I say this is what I've said all along? No, perhaps not, but I will point out that Dave Gilliard has been honest at every step about Duncan D's legal status and plans, regardless of those claiming they know better.

That said, son Hunter is still one candidate in a potentially growing field; and Mssrs. Jones, King, Watkins and others will make this a race to the end.


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